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Curried White Fish

Curried White Fish

Print Recipe Curried White Fish Prep Time 5 min Cook Time 10-15 min Servings serving Ingredients 100 grams White Fish1 tbsp Lemon juice of lemon1 Melba Toast Cracker1 tbsp Onion minced1 clove garlic1/8 tsp Onion Powder1/8 tsp Garlic Powder1/8 tsp Curry PowderSalt to...
Tilapia With Herbs

Tilapia With Herbs

Print Recipe Tilapia With Herbs Prep Time 5 min Cook Time 20 min Servings Serving Ingredients 100 grams Tilapia Oregano2 tbsp Lemon (juice of lemon)1 clove garlic1 tbsp Onion minced1 pinch DillParsley freshSalt to tastePepper to taste Prep Time 5 min Cook Time 20 min...
Fajitas (Carne Asada)

Fajitas (Carne Asada)

Print Recipe Fajitas (Carne Asada) Prep Time 5 min Cook Time 10 min Servings Servings Ingredients 100 grams Beef or Chicken or Flank Steak (Asada)1-2 Tomatoes1 Onion cut into thin strips1 clove garlic3 tbsp Lemon juice2 tbsp Orange Juice of orange1/8 Oregano1/8 Chili...
Mongolian Beef With Cabbage for HCG Diet

Mongolian Beef With Cabbage for HCG Diet

Print Recipe Mongolian Beef With Cabbage for HCG Diet Prep Time 5 min Cook Time 5-10 min Servings Serving Ingredients 100 grams Beef slicedCabbage thinly sliced1/2 cup Beef Broth or water1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar3 tbsp Orange (juice of orange)2 tbsp Lemon (juice of...


Print Recipe HCG DIET LEMON CHICKEN SOUP Lemon makes chicken taste soooo good!!! You can make easy HCG recipes for your fish with just lemon, salt and pepper!!! Prep Time 5 Min Cook Time 25 MIn Servings Serving Ingredients 100 grams Chicken Breast cookedA Handful of...