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Only seven years after graduating from college, Joanne saw herself as a complete and total failure.

Her marriage had fallen apart. She was jobless with a dependent child. And to make matters even worse, she was also depressed, suicidal, and living on welfare, too.

In her own words…

She was “as poor as someone could be without being homeless.”

On top of that…

She was also trying to make her mark in the world as a successful author. But given her circumstances, being a poor single mother was NOT making that easy.

She submitted her work to every publishing house she could, but was rejected every time.

12 times to be exact.

But, despite all of those challenges…

Joanne never gave up.

She kept pushing forward.

Then, in 1996, she was finally given a chance. Her big break had finally arrived.

And in June of 1997…

The first 1,000 copies of her book hit the shelves.

The title of that book?

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

Joanne — better known these days as J.K. Rowling — was 31-years-old at the time.

And from that moment forward…

She would go on to become one of the most successful authors the world has ever seen. Creating a global brand and empire worth more than 15 BILLION dollars.

Joanne had finally made it.


I know you may feel like you’re falling behind with your goals. Like you may have “missed your chance” to build the body of your dreams or fit into those old favorite clothes again.

But if J.K. Rowling’s story illustrates anything at all, it’s this…

It’s NEVER too late to become the person you’ve spent countless nights hoping, wishing and praying you could be.

And you’re NOT falling behind on your goals…

Even if you believe you are.

The truth is…

As long as you continue pushing forward…

And as long as you maintain a belief in yourself and a powerful vision for the person you want to become…

You WILL make it — it’s only a matter of time.

Just like J.K. Rowling did.

So if you’re someone who feels like you may have “missed your chance” to get rid of all that nagging extra weight…

Or if you’re still hoping, praying and wishing you could just slim down and FINALLY build the body of your dreams…

First, understand that it is NOT too late for you.

And then?

>> Use these to reach your weight-loss goals in one of the fastest and most effective ways.

Because isn’t it about time YOU got your big break, too?

Rooting for you always,

Kurt the HCG Warrior

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